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    Land for wildlife is a free, voluntary conservation program. It supports landholders to protect native plants and animals on their property.

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    Volunteer with BushCare to conserve our local bushland - community planting events, regular working bees, hands-on school excursion or a team building activity.

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    We partner with volunteers, schools, businesses and community groups to protect our local beaches and coastal environments from litter and marine debris. Find out how you can get involved.

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    Assist scientists to collect and record data on the seasonal behaviour of plants and animals along popular walking trails.

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    CoastSnap is a community based citizen science beach monitoring program that allows Council to track changes to our coastline and beaches

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    Land donations and bequests are one of the greatest gifts you can give to support conservation on the Sunshine Coast. Donations of land for conservation will help protect the region’s native bushland, plants and animals for future generations.

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    Council encourages community members to be involved in assisting with the care and maintenance of its botanic gardens and bushland reserves.

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    A citizen science program to assist council in monitoring and maintaining our environment reserves through community participation.

  • Red Bottlebush

    Parks and gardens community volunteer program assists interested volunteer groups by providing advice, training, support and materials and equipment to conduct works in selected parks.