Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Environmental visitor centres

Council encourages community members to be involved in assisting with the care and maintenance of its botanic gardens and bushland reserves.

Environmental visitor centres

Volunteers at council’s environmental education centres enrich and enhance the life of the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden, Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve and the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary. Volunteers play a vital role in supporting a wide range of educational programmes, research and conservation activities for each of the centres. Volunteers are a valued and integral part of council’s environmental education centres. Council hopes that you will enjoy and learn from your experience while helping to preserve and improve these iconic spaces.

Please read on to find out if there may be a volunteer opportunity that suits your passions, fits your needs and utilises your strengths.

View our videos for more information: