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The Sunshine Coast Marine BioBlitz is an exciting and educational event that celebrates the marine biodiversity of the declared Sunshine Coast UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and adjacent waters. Taking place over two days, this event showcases community-driven conservation, scientific exploration, arts and culture for nature-enthusiasts of all ages.

Bring your curiosity and become a citizen scientist working with experts to collect important biodiversity data of local marine species within our coastal waters. Whether you're a seasoned marine biologist or just love the ocean, the BioBlitz offers a diverse schedule of expeditions and activities, from guided explorations of coastal habitats and sea country, hands-on citizen science opportunities and professional development workshops run by an inclusive network of contributors actively working towards conservation in the region. 

Note: Schedule of expeditions, activities, and links to secure your spot coming soon.

How it works

  1. Register on Eventbrite 
  2. Take the pledge to the wildlife code of conduct
  3. Download iNaturalist app and join Sunshine Coast Marine BioBlitz · iNaturalist Project 
  4. Find animals and plants in marine and coastal habitats, take a photo of your sightings and upload to iNaturalist

Ways to Participate

  • Sign up to our array of exciting boat-based expeditions lead by experts. (links coming soon)
  • Join our range of educational and inclusive activities and workshops held at basecamp. (links coming soon) 
  • Undertake your own surveys: head out into your local marine ecosystem, take photos of all wildlife you see and upload your images to iNaturalist.

Record animal and plant species you find above and below the water from inter-tidal zones, rock pools, estuaries, pelagic zones, open ocean and reefs. This provides a snapshot of species found across marine habitats at this time of year, which has never been done in our area before. Your involvement and sightings help to provide an important record of the marine biodiversity that exists within the Sunshine Coast UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. This information is held in an open-access data platform and will help to inform conservation measures, monitor trends and impacts marine life are facing. 

At its core, the Sunshine Coast Marine BioBlitz aims to provide accessible opportunities for all members of the community to become citizen scientists and learn about our local marine biodiversity. 

Note: Discounted dive, snorkel and other boat-based tours will be available to book soon.