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Land donations and bequests are one of the greatest gifts you can give to support conservation on the Sunshine Coast. Donations of land for conservation will help protect the region’s native bushland, plants and animals for future generations.

If you have land of conservation value, a land donation may be a great opportunity if you:

  • wish for it to be preserved
  • do not have a use for the land
  • are unable to manage the land
  • are seeking potential tax concessions and/or benefits.

Council as well as many not-for-profit organisations on the Sunshine Coast can, and have received land donations/bequeathments for conservation purposes.

Council welcomes offers of land for conservation and will consider each offer based on the land's:

  • conservation values (threatened habitats, plants and animals)
  • proximity to other conservation areas
  • size
  • long term management requirements
  • landscape connectivity and fauna movement.

Council’s environment and sustainability policy branch manage the process of the assessment of land offered to council for conservation purposes. This is undertaken from an operational and strategic perspective. Any land assessed that is identified as ‘value worthy’ for inclusion in council’s conservation estate, is then presented to council for a final determination.

It is recommended that you seek legal advice before including a bequest in your will.

To discuss further or to find out which not-for-profit organisations (who are aligned with council’s environment policies and strategic directions) accept land donations/ bequeathments, please contact our environment and sustainability policy branch.