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Dog owners must register their pets each and follow local law regulations. Find out more on the registering and licensing page.

Dog owners are responsible for their pets. They must make sure that their dogs do not:

  • create a nuisance
  • endanger other animals or people
  • roam outside their property.

If dogs leave the property they must be on a lead or be supervised in off-leash areas. All dogs must be registered with council.

Your dog = your responsibility.

This is council's message to bring responsible dog ownership into focus on the Coast.

Raising community awareness

Council’s responsible dog ownership campaign:

  • promotes behaviour that is socially responsible — shared parks, shared beaches
  • helps owners to make sure their dogs are not a nuisance to other people and animals
  • increases awareness about dog regulations in local laws.

Council officers will visit parks and beaches to:

  • provide information and education
  • enforce local and state laws.

The dog laws are based on common sense. Council is calling on the community to do the right thing. Everyone should be able to enjoy the Coast's open spaces safely and comfortably.

Responsible dog ownership means

  • Register your dog each year.
  • When exercising your dog in public, keep it under control on a lead held by a capable person.
  • Carry a doggy bag when walking your dog. Make sure you pick up your dog’s faeces, carry it with you and dispose of it responsibly. Otherwise, fines may apply.
  • Do not leave your dog unattended in a public place.
  • Keep your dog in your yard by providing a suitable enclosure.
  • Respect your neighbours. If your dog continually barks, find out why and learn how to change its behaviour. Excessive barking may result in costly legal action.
  • Vaccinate and worm your dog.

Fact sheets