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Council adopted the 2018/19 budget at a special meeting on 21 June 2018.

The budget was developed in conjunction with:

Budget snapshot

  • A budget which includes a positive operating result of $24.6 million.
  • A $864 million dollar budget which delivers services and opportunities to keep our region great.
  • $370 million Capital Works Program.
  • Environment Levy increase to $74.
  • Heritage Levy increase to $12.50.
  • Transport Levy increase to $43.
  • $10 increase to waste management charges for a 240L wheelie bin.
  • Overall the general rates and waste management charges combined results in a 3.5% increase.
  • Pensioner discount continues.
  • On-time payment discount continues.

This is a budget that:

  • continues its focus on maintaining a strong, sustainable council
  • invests in infrastructure to improve the livability and connectivity of our communities
  • demonstrates Council’s continuing commitment to preserving and enhancing our natural environment, supporting and servicing our community and building an economy that can provide jobs and opportunities now and into the future
  • delivers on our clear plan for the region's prosperity.

Budget 2018/19 news

2018/19 Budget Schedules

The 2018/19 Budget Schedules were presented as attachments to the budget adoption report. The schedules include:


The following policies have been adopted as part of the 2018/19 Budget:

Along with the 2018/19 Revenue Statement[3620KB].

Previous budgets