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Council adopted the $848 million 2019/20 council budget at a special meeting on 20 June 2019.

The budget was developed in conjunction with:

Budget snapshot

  • A budget which includes a positive operating result of $29.6 million
  • A $848 million dollar budget which delivers services and opportunities to keep our region great
  • A $320 million dollar Capital Works Program
  • Environment Levy increases by $2 to $76
  • Transport Levy increases by $1 to $44
  • Heritage Levy increases by 50c to $13
  • $8.60 increase to waste management charges for a 240L wheelie bin
  • Overall the general rates and waste management charges combined results in a 2.97% increase
  • Pensioner discount continues
  • On-time payment continues

This is a budget that:

  • Focuses on delivering for our communities now and into the future
  • Invests in our greatest assets, our people, our environment and natural assets, and our economy.

2019/20 Budget News

Where do your rates go?[4765KB]

Budget slide presentation[5779KB]

Budget news

There's something for you in the 2019/20 budget

Community events, venues and parks

Community events, venues and parks
  • Horizon Festival will once again bring the Sunshine Coast to life with a 10-day celebration of arts and culture
  • $9 million to keep our playgrounds and parks in good condition including $300,000 for a new playground and much more at Turner Park, Beerwah; $300,000 at Graeme Stewart Park, Currimundi; and $655,000 for an adventure playground and more at Russell Family Park, Montville
  • Caloundra Regional Gallery will continue to showcase local and national artists in professionally curated exhibitions and programs
  • Libraries continue to be great community spaces to meet, learn and play. Check in for WiFi, books, workshops, talks, holiday activities, preservation stations, technology sessions and the online 24/7 eLibrary
  • $1.37 million to complete some missing links along the Coastal Pathway at Tay Avenue, Caloundra; Oceanic Drive, Bokarina and Wilson Avenue, Dicky Beach.

Travelling around our region

Travelling around our region

$82.7 million will go towards improving and maintaining our local road and transport network, including:

  • $6.9 million and $6 million respectively for a four-lane upgrade to both Parklands Boulevard, Meridan Plains and Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs
  • $20 million on resurfacing more than 117 streets across our region
  • more than $4 million to improve facilities and infrastructure for walkers and cyclists including pathway renewals, new green cycle lanes and the start of a new link along Nambour Connection Road, between Erbacher Road and Magnolia Street, Nambour
  • $3.3 million on sealing gravel roads including Kiamba Road, Kiamba and McGilchrist Road, Eudlo and the planning and design work to seal Zgrajewski Road and sections of North Arm-Yandina Creek Road, Yandina Creek.

Enjoy being active

Enjoy being active
  • Healthy Sunshine Coast will provide free and low cost exercise classes - from group fitness to outdoor yoga - across our region
  • $6.9 million is allocated to upgrade sporting facilities - supporting our community to get out, get active and form connections. This includes $1.9 million for the Maroochy Multi-Sports Complex and $2.1 million to finalise stage 2 of the Regional Tennis Centre at Caloundra
  • $70,000 to provide visitor access to Doonan Creek Environmental Reserve at Verrierdale
  • $705,000 for the first stage of a program to replace pathways across our region from Coolum to Burnside, Minyama to Little Mountain and widen them to 1.8 metres to cater for prams and mobility scooters.

Protecting our environment

Protecting our environment
  • Over $3 million for 26 projects to improve the quality of stormwater entering streams and water bodies
  • $1.34 million through the Environment Levy to rehabilitate coastal dunes, manage shoreline erosion and implement a coastal health monitoring system
  • More than $1 million to upgrade recreation trails across the region and progress the Adventure Sunshine Coast project; and $300,000 for boardwalk upgrades at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve
  • $1.1 million for programs and services at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve, Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens and Maroochy Wetlands - our key centres for conservation, learning and community based partnerships
  • $4 million invested in our programs with community volunteers and private landholders to support environmental education, land restoration and wildlife care
  • $500,000 to complete the $1 million Maroochydore Beach renourishment program to improve shoreline resilience, community access and enjoyment
  • A new roaming education hub called the Coastal Discovery Centre will open.

Dog owners

Dog owners
  • A new mobile app will be developed to give dog owners quick and easy access to off-leash, on-leash and prohibited areas across our region
  • $48,000 for a new dog off-leash area at Elders Street, Nambour
  • Our littlest residents will continue to enjoy the responsible pet ownership education program in schools and childcare centres across our region.

Operating a business

Operating a business
  • Businesses and their employees will be able to access 'B-Well and Prosper' - a wellbeing and mental health portal with workshops, factsheets, podcasts and initiatives
  • $14.4 million for the International Broadband Submarine Cable network, which is on track to be in service by mid-2020, and forecast to deliver up to 864 new jobs and stimulate $927 million in new investment in Queensland
  • $105 million to continue the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion project, which is on track for completion in 2020 and forecast to create 2230 new full-time direct and indirect jobs by 2040
  • A Reduced Infrastructure Charge will remain in place until June 2022 to incentivise investment in defined central areas of Nambour and Caloundra.

Capital works highlights by division

Division 1 [928KB]Division 2 [927KB]Division 3 [928KB]Division 4 [926KB]
Division 5 [927KB]Division 6 [925KB]Division 7 [925KB]Division 8 [925KB]
Division 9 [926KB]Division 10 [927KB]

Environment, Transport and Heritage Levies

The Heritage, Transport and Environment levy contributions made by all ratepayers enables us to build on our investment in our environment, plan for our region's future transport needs and preserve and celebrate our cultural heritage.

Heritage Levy

The Heritage Levy will increase by 50 cents to $13, and will continue to:

  • support research into regional stories, and explore options for our community to better interact with our heritage through digital solutions
  • conserve the region's heritage assets, including State Heritage-listed Bankfoot House and its collection
  • support the region's community museums and historical societies through grants, professional development, workshops, community programs, collaborative marketing and events
  • support cultural heritage projects in collaboration with Kabi Kabi, Jinabara and Descendants of Australian South Sea Islander peoples.

Transport Levy

The Transport Levy will increase by $1 to $44, to support:

  • the detailed business case for the Light Rail project and other strategic transport planning outcomes
  • the continuation of local transport services for our community such as Council Link, the Flexilink trials and the Kenilworth Community Transport Service
  • the continuation of bus stop upgrades to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act requirements
  • travel behaviour change programs.

Environment Levy

The Environment Levy will increase by $2 to $76, and will continue to:

  • support the implementation of the Environment and Liveability Strategy
  • protect and enhance our valued natural environment, including our native plants and animals, waterways and wetlands and coastal environments
  • support the purchase and management of conservation lands, catchment and coastal rehabilitation projects, and partner with private landholders and environment and community groups.

Not-for-profit organisations

  • Charities and not-for-profit organisations will receive a 50 percent fee reduction when lodging a development application
  • $3.4 million in community grants to support projects, events and activities of not-for-profit groups.

Pay your rates on-time

Take advantage of your on-time rate payment discount.

Pensioner rate concession

Eligible pensioners continue to receive a rate concession.

Set and forget your rates payment

Did you know that you can set up a direct debit to have your rates paid in full on the due date? That way, you can set and forget your payment and guarantee receiving your on-time payment discount.

You can also receive your rates notice by email. You'll be helping the environment and if you are travelling or have moved house, you will know when your rates are due.

Check out MyCouncil

You can register your pets, enter and track a service request, view and pay council accounts quickly and view your rates notice on MyCouncil - a secure online gateway to council's services.

2019/20 Budget Schedules

You can access separate sections of council's 2019/20 Budget from the listing below or within the 2019/20 Budget Book (PDF, 6.63MB)

The 2019/20 Budget Schedules were presented as attachments to the budget adoption report. The schedules include:


The following policies have been adopted as part of the 2019-20 Budget:

Along with the Revenue Statement 2019/20

Previous budgets