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Council adopted the $782 million 2020/21 council budget at a special meeting on 25 June 2020.

The budget was developed in conjunction with council's Operational Plan 2020/21 and in accordance with council's Financial Sustainability Plan 2015-2025

Budget snapshot

  • A budget which includes a positive operating result of $4.3 million
  • A $782 million dollar budget that will support our community and local businesses to get back on their feet
  • A $243 million dollar Capital Works Program that:
    • delivers infrastructure and facilities for our residents
    • provides work for local trades and other businesses
    • helps keep local people employed.
  • No increases to the Environment, Transport and Heritage Levies
  • 2% minimum general rate increase and 3.5% increase to waste management charges for a 240L wheelie bin
  • $0 rates increase for the majority of ratepayers on the minimum general rate thanks to a one-off $35 COVID rebate to properties with a general rate
  • Pensioner discount continues
  • On-time payment continues

This is a budget that:

  • Supports the community, focussing on their needs today, next year and into the future.
  • Assists residents with their recovery efforts and primes our regional economy so local businesses can rebuild.
  • Reduces pressure on ratepayers.

Where do your rates go?

Budget slide presentation [43MB]

Budget news

Budget Book 2020/21 [130MB]

There's something for you in the 2020/21 budget

Green spaces to enjoy

Green spaces to enjoy
  • $5 million to improve and maintain public parks and gardens from Aroona and Little Mountain, to Bokarina and Wurtulla – to get us all out and about again.
  • $1.7 million to plan and develop the Mooloolaba to Alex Bluff Recreation Park, Alexandra Headland along with $1 million to complete the Coastal Pathway between Bokarina and Warana.
  • $920,000 to upgrade the Dicky Beach skate park, public amenities and open spaces.
  • $110,000 for a new fenced dog area at Muller Park, Bli Bli.
  • Many playgrounds will be upgraded including Peachtree Park Playground, Peregian Springs; Clearview Park, Glass House Mountains; Peace Memorial Park, Landsborough; Little Mountain Common Playground; and Turner Park, Beerwah.
  • Parks at Palmwoods, Nambour, Woombye, Buderim, Brightwater, Mooloolaba and Minyama will be spruced up.

Connecting communities

Connecting communities
  • Our community grants program funding has increased from $3 million to $4.5 million to support not-for-profit groups as they recover from the impacts of COVID-19
  • $120,000 allocated for planning a Sippy Downs library and community venue
  • $50,000 for planning a community centre in Palmview
  • $40,000 to upgrade the kitchen and amenities at Millwell Road Community Centre, Maroochydore. Council will also investigate options to upgrade the centre to a district community and cultural venue, with $120,000 set aside to plan the future of this important community asset
  • The Caloundra Regional Gallery is launching an online interactive series called From the Artist, as well as keeping the kids entertained with a range of online programs
  • Stay, Connect, Create offers interactive online programs from gardening lessons and historical stories to science activities and early literacy programs
  • Fabric - Slow Fashion, Artful Living celebrates our region’s designers. The program launches in September and offers workshops, exhibitions and hosted conversations until May 2021.

Caring for our environment

Caring for our environment
  • $4.85 million to improve and expand the Nambour Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre at Bli Bli and Buderim Resource Recovery Centre to cater for our growing community
  • $1.2 million to continue the replacement of groynes along the Maroochy River at Maroochydore and $250,000 for Golden Beach groyne replacements
  • $300,000 for a feasibility study and planning for a new 24-hectare ecological park adjacent to Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve
  • $100,000 for new Blue Heart initiatives, which will focus on baseline data gathering, on-ground restoration and community education.

Getting out and about

Getting out and about
  • $14 million to progress the widening of Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba
  • $2.5 million to finalise the transport corridor upgrade at Parklands Boulevard, Little Mountain
  • $1.7 million to seal Kiamba Road, Kiamba
  • $1.7 million to upgrade the Arundel Avenue, Mill Lane intersection in Nambour
  • $1.33 million to implement works associated with the Place Making Master Plan, Landsborough.

Getting active

Getting active
  • $3 million to continue developing the sporting complex at Meridan Plains
  • $925,000 to finalise the eastern oval field of Maroochy Multi-Sports Complex at Fishermans Road, Maroochydore
  • $10,000 for a new basketball court at Laguna Grove Park, Doonan; $60,000 for drainage at Nambour Badminton Complex; and $75,000 for a new clubhouse roof at Yandina Cricket Club
  • $380,000 for the next stage of Caloundra Regional Tennis Centre
  • $1.8 million to upgrade the Kings Beach Ocean Pool and aquatic centres at Caloundra, Nambour, Eumundi, Cotton Tree and the 50m pool at Kawana Aquatic Centre
  • $160,000 to replace the lighting at Palmwoods Rugby League Club.

Trails and pathways to explore

Trails and pathways to explore
  • $112,000 for planning the Glass House Mountains to Beerwah off-road cycle path
  • $275,000 for the renewal of the Mt Ninderry Walking Trail, and Doonan Creek Environmental Reserve
  • $500,000 for the next stage of the mountain bike facility at Caloundra Town Reserve
  • $158,000 set aside for cycle lanes on Karawatha Drive
  • $1.438 million pedestrian and cycling bridge for Stringybark Road, Buderim.

Business support

Business support
  • Council is providing immediate relief for local businesses doing it tough by continuing to waive a range of charges, rents and permit fees for businesses until 31 October 2020
  • An updated procurement policy will mean contracts up to $250,000 will generally go to local companies
  • Council will continue to support the Professional Advice and B-Well and Prosper programs to assist business operators through the economic recovery process in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Capital works highlights by division

Division 1Division 2Division 3Division 4
Division 5Division 6Division 7Division 8
Division 9Division 10

Investing in our community's future

The Heritage, Transport and Environment levies contributed by all ratepayers enable Council to build on our investment in our environment, plan for our region's future transport needs and preserve and celebrate our cultural heritage.

Heritage Levy raises $1.9 million

The Heritage Levy remains at $13, and will continue to:

  • support research into regional stories and explore options for our community to better interact with our heritage through digital solutions
  • conserve the region’s heritage assets, including State Heritage-listed Bankfoot House and its nationally significant collection
  • support the region’s community museums and historical societies through grants, practical workshops, professional development, community programs, collaborative marketing and events
  • support cultural heritage projects developed in collaboration with Kabi Kabi, Jinibara and descendants of Australian South Sea Islander peoples.

Transport Levy raises $6.4 million

There will be no increase to the Transport Levy. Remaining at $44, it will support:

  • development of the Mass Transit - Detailed Business Case in partnership with the State Government
  • development of a five-year Travel Behaviour Change program
  • leveraging of funding for new bus shelters for highest use locations
  • the Council Link and both Flexilink services from Conondale to Maleny and Peachester to Beerwah
  • data collection in preparation for Census 2021
  • expansions of the trial RideScore Active Schools Program trial.

Environment Levy raises $11.28 million

The Environment Levy will remain at $76, and continues to:

  • support the implementation of the Environment and Liveability Strategy
  • protect and enhance our valued natural environment, including our native plants and animals, waterways and wetlands and coastal environments
  • support the purchase and management of land for conservation, catchment and coastal rehabilitation projects, and partnerships with private landholders and environment and community groups.

Pay your rates on-time

Take advantage of your on-time rate payment discount of 5% on your general rate up to $200.

Pensioner rate concession

Eligible pensioners continue to receive a rate concession.

Set and forget your rates payment

Did you know you can set up a direct debit to have your rates paid in full on the due date? That way, you can set and forget your payment and guarantee receiving your on-time payment discount.

You can also receive your rates notice by email. You'll be helping the environment and if you are travelling or have moved house, you will know when your rates are due.

Check out MyCouncil

You can register pets, enter and track a service request, view and pay council accounts quickly and view your rates notice on MyCouncil – a secure online gateway to council’s services.

Find MyCouncil on council’s website.

2020/21 Budget Schedules

The 2020-21 Budget Schedules were presented as attachments to the budget adoption report. The schedules include:


The following policies have been adopted as part of the 2020-21 Budget:

Along with the Revenue Statement 2020/21

Previous budgets