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About Mooloolaba transport corridor upgrade

Find out about the different stages of the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade.

About Mooloolaba transport corridor upgrade

Project scope

The Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade (MTCU) is being delivered in four stages over several years.

It will improve safety and traffic flow, reduce delays during peak periods and cater for future traffic growth in Mooloolaba. The completed project will also incorporate 232 new trees and 8850 plants to create a shady, cool and greener corridor.

Stages 1, 2 and 3 are complete. The final stage, Stage 4 will take place as staged construction. Early works will take place from March to June 2024. Construction timing of Stage 4 road works is yet to be determined

View a map of the project, including each construction stage here Mooloolaba transport corridor upgrade overall plan.

Construction stages

Stage 1A Naroo Court upgrade (completed in October 2019)

Extension of Naroo Court through to Muraban Street including a new roundabout at Muraban Street.

Stage 1B Walan Street upgrade (completed in April 2021)

Widening of Walan Street from 2 lanes to 4 lanes, Naroo Court intersection upgrade to signals, new pedestrian crossings and pathways and landscaping.

Stages 2 and 3 Brisbane Road upgrade (completed November 2023)

Located along Brisbane Road between Walan Street and Kyamba Court, these two stages include the widening of Brisbane Road from two lanes to four lanes, intersection upgrade, provision for cyclists, landscaping and the new four lane Mayes Canal bridge.

These works benefited from a $12 million investment from the Australian Government through the Infrastructure Investment Program.

Find out more with our frequently asked questions.

Stage 4 Brisbane Road upgrade (April 2024)

Works will be undertaken in two stages to minimise construction impacts to our community and local businesses.

The expected construction timeline is as follows. 

Early works (Stage 1)- Mayes Canal Bridge to Bindaree Crescent: Late April to August 2024*

 Some service relocations, demolition of Council owned buildings on the eastern side of Brisbane Road. 

The early works areas will be fenced off, with construction largely taking place on public land and away from the live traffic lanes on Brisbane Road. Traffic disruption is expected to be minimal.

As part of the current early works, the temporary and permanent vacant land areas will be revegetated via a hydro mulch process – a mixture of grass seed, straw, fertiliser and water sprayed over the area. The hydro mulched areas will provide a grass cover to ensure the area looks presentable until road works begin sometime in the future.

Remaining works (Stage 2): TBC 

Brisbane Road, from Kyamba Court to Tuckers Creek bridge, will be upgraded and widened to four lanes. The upgrade includes a new signalised intersection at Bindaree Crescent, Brisbane Road, Woomba Place, new footpaths and landscaping works. 

The fourth southbound traffic lane of Mayes Canal bridge will open when Stage 4 roadworks are complete. 

Construction timing of Stage 4 road works is yet to be determined. We will continue to keep our community informed.

You can find more information about this on our Project News and Updates.

*Indicative timeline only. Construction schedules will be confirmed following the appointment of construction contractor/s. Timing is subject to change.