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About the project

About the project

When was the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade project adopted by Council?

Public consultation for the Brisbane Road Upgrade began in 2003 as part of the Mooloolaba Integrated Land Use and Transport Assessment Study. The consultation process helped determine the best transport network for the future needs of Mooloolaba. The proposed design was reviewed in 2010 and adopted by Council in 2011. The preferred layout has been incorporated into the 2014 Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme.

An extensive community engagement process was also undertaken during the development of the Placemaking Mooloolaba Master Plan which was adopted by Council in December 2015. The master plan recognised the widening of Brisbane Road and Walan Street as a key project.

Recently, Council adopted the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade layout and construction plan at its Ordinary Meeting in July 2018.

Why is Council doing this upgrade?

This upgrade project is essential to improve connectivity and road safety and to cater for the future growth of Mooloolaba. It will:

  • increase road safety
  • improve traffic flow
  • improve pedestrian, cyclist, and public transport connectivity
  • deliver streetscape improvement elements
  • deliver services upgrades (stormwater, water, electricity, telecommunications)
  • accommodate future growth forecasts
  • provide improved access to the Mooloolaba area and surrounds.

New Mayes Canal Bridge

New Mayes Canal Bridge

What is happening with the Mayes Canal Bridge?

A new bridge four-lane bridge is being constructed with two lanes of traffic each way with shared pedestrian and cycle paths on both sides.

What will the bridge look like?

The new 26.4m wide, four lane bridge will provide improved vehicle access and be a gateway into the heart of Mooloolaba. It will feature shared pedestrian and cycle paths on both sides.

Landscaping treatments will complement the bridge and connect it to the riverbank, parkland, and existing pedestrian pathways.

What will the height of the bridge be?

The new bridge will have the same waterway clearance as the current bridge so as not to impose any new navigational restrictions on marine vessels using Mayes Canal (access will remain the same).

How will the new bridge be constructed? Will the old bridge still be open to traffic?

To minimise impacts to motorists, the new Mayes Canal Bridge will see two lanes built at a time. Two new lanes will be constructed alongside the existing bridge with traffic continuing to flow on the old bridge. Traffic will then be ‘switched’ onto the new lanes while the old bridge is demolished, and the remaining two new lanes constructed.

The bridge will be constructed with foundations consisting of reinforced concrete piles. To minimise impacts to nearby residents, the piles will be constructed ‘in-situ’ where thick-walled metal tubes are driven into the creek bed, reinforcing steel set in place and then filled with concrete (rather than pre-cast piles delivered to site and driven into the creek bed). One of the benefits of the in-situ method is significantly less noise.

The footprint of the new bridge will extend to the east and west of the existing bridge.

What will happen to the old bridge?

Once the new bridge is in operation, the existing bridge will be demolished. 



Will trees be removed as part of the project? What will the landscaping look like?

Landscaping is recognised as a feature to enhance the entry to Mooloolaba and provide an inviting and attractive space for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. The completed project will include more than 200 new trees and more than 11,000 plants to be planted as part of the landscaping in the project area and Council’s environmental offset policy, creating a more shady, cool, and greener corridor.

To accommodate the project, some vegetation needs to be removed. Offset planting will replace any removed vegetation and additional trees and plants form a strong part of the project’s landscape design.

What will the temporary and future landscaping look like for Stage 4 works?

As part of the next stage of works, additional landscaping will be undertaken. This will include an extensive range of new trees and shrubs; for example, up to 80 new trees and hundreds of shrubs and groundcovers.

Due to safety and sightlines associated with the new four-way intersection, the majority of landscaping will be located in a ‘pocket park’ near Tuckers Creek, on the medians, and adjacent to the new footpaths as part of the streetscape treatments.

Parking and traffic

Parking and traffic

Where can I park during the construction of the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade project?

Council provides a range of free on-street and off-street parking throughout Mooloolaba, as well as paid parking at the new ParknGo Mooloolaba Central car park on Brisbane Road and Smith Street, which boasts more than 700 parking spaces.

Will there be on-street parking along Brisbane Road, during and after construction?

As part of the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade Stages 2, 3 and 4 (2021–2023/2024) Brisbane Road is being widened to four lanes (two traffic lanes in each direction).

The width of Brisbane Road is not sufficient to accommodate four traffic lanes, provision for cyclists and the current number of on-street car parks. Limited on-street parking will be available along Brisbane Road post-construction. Businesses and the community will be provided with advance notice of the work.

Bus stops and bus services will be retained in conjunction with TransLink although may be temporarily relocated during construction.

Public on-street parking remains available on nearby streets.

Will the speed limit be changed along Brisbane Road and Walan Street once the upgrade is complete?

Changes to the current speed limit are not expected.

For safety reasons, reduced speed limits will apply during construction.

Business assistance

Business assistance

How will council assist businesses impacted by the project?

Council will liaise with businesses and residents during construction to assist with forward planning and communication to staff and customers.

Council has produced a Business Continuity Guide[1157KB] to help manage impacts during upgrade projects. Download, email [email protected] or contact council.

To contact the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade project team email [email protected].