Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Infrastructure contributions rebates policy

The policy allows for infrastructure charges rebates for organisations providing community service facilities.

Council has adopted amendments to the infrastructure charges rebates for community organisations (PDF, 374KB) policy.

The policy recognises that community organisations operate a range of facilities and programs. These facilities provide valuable community services for residents of the region. Government would otherwise be providing these services at significant cost. Infrastructure charges rebates support theses services by ensuring funds remain with the organisation.

Applying for an infrastructure charges rebate

Where possible, applications for rebate are to be submitted with a development application. A rebate application is to include:

  1. A completed infrastructure charges rebate application form
  2. Documentation that validates an applicant's eligibility as a community organisation
  3. Supporting information that demonstrates how the proposed development complies with the policy.

More information

For more information on the application of the policy please contact via email [email protected].