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Operational work

Operational work is the construction of infrastructure that affects a property or its use.

After you receive your development approval and conditions, you may also need to lodge an operational works application:

Operational work is the construction of infrastructure that affects a property or its use. This does not include building, plumbing or drainage work. It is normally work as part of a material change of use or reconfiguration of a lot development approval.

The Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 table 5.8.1 provides details about assessment of operational work.

You may need a operational work approval for works such as:

Making an operational work application

To make an operational work application, use the relevant development assessment forms.

The DA Rules specify how applications are assessed and decided. Your application may also need: 

  • referral to the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA)
  • assessment by other entities such as Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.

Development advice can help you understand what information you may need to provide with your application. You can also use our well made application and code checklists. Find out about lodging a development application.

Infrastructure built as part of a development approval can be public or private.

Public infrastructure and facilities are called ‘contributed assets’ and can include:

  • roads and footpaths
  • parks and playgrounds
  • streetscape and furniture
  • stormwater drainage
  • street lighting.

Public infrastructure must be built safe and fit for purpose for the community to use. To ensure this, it needs to follow a detailed council inspection, maintenance and acceptance process.

Private infrastructure built as part of a development approval does not follow this process. It is the developer's responsibility to construct this infrastructure. They must have it inspected and certified by a certified professional. This is to ensure compliance with conditions of a development approval.

To find out more go to operational work construction.

Contributed asset acceptance portal

Contributed asset acceptance portal

Find out more about our online contributed asset acceptance portal.

Contributed asset acceptance

Find out more about conditions relating to construction of public infrastructure and facilities.



It is important to maintain your stormwater drains and help prevent pollution, property damage and flooding. Find out what to do if you have a stormwater problem.

Permit for temporary work within a road/verge

Permit for temporary work within a road/verge

Road and footpath activities are controlled under Local Law 1.