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There are three types of change applications, including:

  • changes that are generally in accordance with approved plans
  • minor changes to approved plans or conditions, and
  • other (not minor) changes to approved plans or conditions.

To ensure any request to change your application is processed as soon as possible please:

  • complete the Planning Act form 5
  • pay the relevant fees
  • clearly describe each change and whether it affects any conditions of approval
  • clearly mark all changes on the plans, and
  • include a full set of plans, not just the amended pages.

Prior to lodging any change request, council encourages you to seek initial advice from Development Services to confirm the process and information required.

Generally in accordance (GIA)

If changes are very minor, council may consider them to be generally in accordance with the approved plans. These changes must not:

  • result in any changes to conditions of the development approval
  • create an increase in development yield. For example increase the number of lots in a subdivision, or adding a unit to a multiple dwelling or apartment building, or
  • require new or additional assessment of a technical matter. For example slope stability, bushfire or ecological matters.

You need to write to council to request a generally in accordance change. You also need to provide council with amended plans showing the proposed changes.

Council will assess the changes against the approval. If the changes are considered substantially the same as the approved plans and documents, council will provide you with a letter referencing amended generally in accordance plans.

If the proposed changes are determined not to be substantially the same, you will need to lodge a minor change or other change application.

Minor change

A minor change to your development approval must not:

  • result in substantially different development
  • include any type of prohibited development
  • require public notification if this was not required for the original application other than the State Assessment Referral Agency (SARA), if there were no referral agencies for the development application, or
  • require a referral agency to assess the changes against a matter that was not assessed when the original application was made.

Use the Planning Act form 5 to request to change a development approval.

Other change

You may request an other change to your development approval where the change involves substantially different development. An other change generally follows the same timeframes as a new development application and in some cases may require public notification.

Use the Planning Act form 5 to request to change a development approval.

Apply for an extension

A development approval remains current for between two to six years, depending on the type of approval issued. Approvals generally specify the applicable currency period. Before your development approval lapses, you may apply to extend the currency period.

Use council's extension application form to request an extension of the currency period of a development approval.