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Grants Information and Networking Event

Join Council's Grants Team for a FREE Grants Information and Networking event. This event will provide an overview of different types of funding available for your organisation.  

Hear from a range of funding bodies such as the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, Queensland Gives, Stockland and Queensland Sport and Rec. Plus, network with other local groups to share ideas and explore collaboration opportunities. 

Stay back after the session to enjoy light refreshments and connect with other local community groups. Share ideas and explore opportunities for collaboration to strengthen community impact.

DateTime Location Registration 
Tuesday 18 February  5.30pm - 7.30pmVenue 114,
114 Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina 
Register here

Grants Planning and Writing Workshops

Join Council’s Grants Team for a FREE grant planning and writing workshop.

These workshops will focus on Council’s grants, tips for creating strong applications and strategic planning and governance insights from the Coalition of Community Boards. Learn how to plan effectively and prepare strong grant applications to maximise your success.  

Date Time Location Registration 
Tuesday 11 February  10.30am - 12pm Beerwah Meeting Place,
25 Peachester Road, Beerwah 
Register here
Thursday 13 February 10.30am - 12pm Nambour Community Centre
2 Shearer Street, Nambour
Register here
Thursday 20 February 9.30am - 11am Yaroomba Meeting Place,
1443 David Low Way, Yaroomba
Register here
Tuesday 25 February 12pm - 1pm Online Webinar (via Teams) Register here

These events are for local not-for-profit community groups seeking funding for projects, activities and events that benefit the community.

Subscribe to our Grants and Funding eNews to be notified of new rounds and future grant writing workshops.