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Council is committed to supporting community based sport and recreation organisations by providing easy to understand, useful tips and information to assist clubs with good governance models that can improve business practices.

Club development / guidelines

Governance structures and club culture have a significant impact on the successful performance of sporting organisations. The Queensland Government Sport and Recreation Services website has information on:

  • running and promoting a club
  • increasing participation
  • grants and funding
  • rules, rights and legislation
  • better business practices
  • supporting volunteers
  • junior sport
  • drugs an sport
  • food for sport
  • education and training.

If you are looking for data relating to your sport, visit the Queensland Governments Sport Planning Tool webpage. This data can assist with grant applications and project bids as it shows trends relative to your sport.

Club support resources

Most community sports clubs have tenure with council as they are located on council owned or controlled land. Tenure includes leases, licences to use and permits to use. These documents are contracts which illustrate the roles and responsibilities of clubs and council. 

Club operations and governance

The Australian Sports Commission website provides a wide range of information and resources including governance, policy frameworks, athlete development, participation and funding.

Australian Sports Commission Game Plan portal provides a digital platform solution designed to provide sporting clubs of all sizes with valuable insights into their strategic and operational capabilities.

Use the platform to assess your clubs' strengths and weaknesses and access best-practice information and resources from across the sector to build and support your ongoing development.


If your sports club is on council land and you have a question or query regarding Unitywater, please email council's Property Management Branch on [email protected].

Fact sheets

For information on topics including:

  • membership
  • fundraising
  • canteen
  • grants and
  • sponsorship

Refer to the Sports Club Development and Support fact sheet (DOC, 1.2MB).

Position profiles for committees

Most volunteer turnover occurs at the end of the season or at the time of the annual general meeting. A succession plan is necessary to provide opportunities for potential leaders within organisations to be identified and developed in readiness to move up into leadership positions.

Examples of position profiles for committee members are available to help with these types of appointments:

Frequently asked questions

To assist with other enquiries that you may have, download the frequently asked questions fact sheet (PDF, 535KB).

To contact a council Sport and Recreation Officer please email [email protected].