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These guidelines provide information for the Sunshine Coast community to improve flood resilience through design.


These guidelines will also assist the community make more informed lifestyle and investment decisions.


Two guidelines have been developed to assist the community improve flood resilience:

The guideline for improving flood resilience for existing development has been prepared for the benefit of residents, business owners, investors, builders and renovators and presents a selection of practical flood resilient building techniques. This guideline also provides advice on what to do during and after a flood event.

It is intended for users who may be:

  1. Considering the purchase of a potentially flood affected property
  2. Recovering from a flood event and looking to rebuild and renovate
  3. Looking to better understand their flood risk so they can make more informed lifestyle and investment decisions.

The guideline for improving flood resilience for new development has been prepared for those considering new development, particularly where the development needs to consider the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 flood overlay code.

This document uses four development case study sites to demonstrate that the requirements of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 are practical for new development and acceptable outcomes are possible.


These two guidelines have been prepared as part of Sunshine Coast Council's ongoing response to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (2011).

The requirement for flood resilience in design is a concept that will benefit existing and new development. It will minimise potential consequences of flood inundation. This will give Sunshine Coast communities the opportunity to be better prepared for flood events with implications for affordable insurance.


For more information, please contact council's flooding and stormwater team via the customer service centre.