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The following flood and master drainage studies are the basis of published flood mapping products.

StudyAuthorYearFile size
Maroochy River Flood StudyBMT WBM2017208MB
Mooloolah River Flood StudyCardno2015161MB
Pumicestone Flood StudyBMT201899.3MB
Cornmeal Creek Flood Study and AddendumCardno2013  201769MB
Doonan and Yandina Creek Flood Study Upgrade (mapping revised in 2012 by HWMC)JWP200871.3MB
Obi Obi Creek Flood StudyEngeny201333.1MB
Mary River Flood StudyDHI20128.9MB
Sunshine Coast Storm Tide StudyJBP20243.6MB
Flood Modelling of Catchments Upstream of Ewen Maddock DamHWMC202016.2MB
Alexandra Headland Master Drainage StudySMEC2019126MB
Caloundra Master Drainage StudySMEC2019138MB
Landsborough Master Drainage StrategyWMAwater201853.3MB
Nambour East Master Drainage StrategyWMAwater201882.5MB
School Road, Maroochydore Master Drainage StudySMEC201874.8MB
Cotton Tree to Picnic Point Master Drainage PlanCardno2019117MB
Coolum Beach Master Drainage StudySMEC2019126MB
Kings and Shelly Beach Master Drainage StudySMEC201999.7MB
Maroochy North Shore Master Drainage PlanSMEC2021599MB
Kawana Master Drainage PlanPeakUrban2021910MB
Maroochydore West Master Drainage PlanCardno2021106MB
Nambour West Master Drainage PlanCardno2021159MB
Beerwah Master Drainage PlanWater Technology2021215MB
Nambour North Master Drainage PlanWater Technology2021188MB
Maroochydore South Master Drainage PlanColliers2023584MB
SMDB Cane Drain Sizing InvestigationPitt & Sherry202042.3MB
Sunshine Coast Council Flood Risk Assessment MethodologyBMT2021289KB
Sunshine Coast Council Stormwater Risk Assessment MethodologySCC2023208MB

In addition, council has prepared flood models to determine overland flow paths for the following locations. The outputs of these models also contribute to the public flood mapping products published by council. Reports do not exist for these models, however the modelling methodology is the same as the master drainage studies from the list above.

Location of overland flow modelCreator
Bli BliSCC
Buderim – Kunda ParkSCC
Caloundra WestSCC
Golden BeachSCC

Mapping from these flood studies and models are available online via council’s MyMaps system and can be accessed under general information (flood mapping) in the layer list.

The mapping represents the original flood study outputs. Other council flood products for land use planning and emergency preparedness purposes have been developed from this information by determining the highest flood level at any given location. Often the flood levels of regional catchments are the dominant flood level, but this could obscure the fact that there may be a localised flooding issue associated with drainage in an area.

It is expected these flood study reports and the associated online mapping will be of most interest to consultants undertaking investigations on behalf of developers, and may be referred to by council’s own Development Services staff as part of the development application process.

Provide feedback: Council is currently seeking feedback on how easy this flood mapping and information is to navigate and understand. Please view the factsheets, FAQs and how-to videos to help you explore the mapping.

General information mapping layers

Council’s emergency preparedness and land use planning flood mapping products are created using information from numerous flood study and master drainage study reports.

Council’s general information mapping layers contain data from the flood studies, master drainage studies and overland flow path models listed above.

The general information mapping layers present flood extent and flood hazard mapping for a range of flood likelihoods.

These layers are often used by council’s own development services team. The mapping offers original raw data from various studies which can help to inform other projects. In some locations these mapping layers are likely to assist with a better understanding of drainage and overland flow in locations that are also affected by regional flooding.