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On Thursday 24 October 2024 Council endorsed an updated storm tide study for the Sunshine Coast.

Sunshine Coast Storm Tide Study PDF, 3.6MB

Storm tide mapping products are now updated and can be accessed as part of the General Information layers.

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Changes in the storm tide mapping include:

  • Bribie Island breakthrough in current climate mapping (future climate mapping previously assumed a breakthrough)
  • Mapping of Open Coast Wave Action areas.
  • Identifying locations adjacent to smaller coastal creeks where additional allowance is to be added in the determination of new building floor levels.

New building construction floor levels

Storm tide inundation mapping used for determining floor levels for new building construction remains largely unchanged. 

Since 2014 the planning levels have assumed the eventual erosion of Bribie Island spit. The Bribie Island breakthrough has not impacted these levels, which are based on a planning horizon in the future (year 2100).

In locations adjacent to small coastal creeks, an additional 400mm allowance is to be added to new floor levels to provide extra protection from waves.

Shoreline Erosion Management Plan

Open Coast Wave Action areas maps show the significance of dune protection to communities located directly behind dunes. Understanding the consequences of losing the protection of coastal sand dunes highlights the importance of Council’s Shoreline Erosion Management Plan.

Council’s Shoreline Erosion Management Plan is out for community engagement during November 2024.

Do you have an interest in dune protection?

Find out more about protecting dunes through bushland conservation with BushCare Sunshine Coast.

We encourage you to participate in the community engagement occurring for the Shoreline Erosion Management Plan.

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More information

Find out more on our factsheet - Storm Tide Study 2024

For more information, contact the flood mapping team via email: [email protected].