Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Event funding

The Sunshine Coast hosts a variety of major and regional events each year. This reinforces its reputation as a leading tourism destination.

Event funding

Council’s community grants program

Funding for community events is available under the community grants program, please apply under the category best aligned with your event’s purpose.  If applying for a Christmas, New Year (December 31-January 1), Australia Day, ANZAC Day or Remembrance Day event please see council’s new Festive and Commemorative Events grants

Council's major and regional events sponsorship program

Council sponsors major and regional events through its tourism and major events levy. You can apply for event sponsorship under this program if you meet the requirements.

Sponsorship of council events

Council hosts a number of events for which external organisations can provide sponsorship. Events include:

Council events:

  • are inclusive
  • are family-friendly
  • maintain a strong focus on safety
  • have strong local content and flavour.

Type of sponsorship

Council welcomes support from local and national businesses. This may include:

  • in-kind support
  • cash support.

A full sponsorship proposal is available on request. All sponsorship packages are negotiable.


The Sunshine Coast is a significant and rapidly growing area with a diverse audience. There are many benefits for becoming a sponsor.

  • You can align your business with council, family and community events.
  • You can raise your business profile. This includes your products, services and logo.
  • You can enhance your image as a highly visible and committed supporter of your community.
  • You can contribute to the unique Sunshine Coast lifestyle and identity.
  • Events increase local tourism and economic development

For more information about sponsoring a council event, please email [email protected]