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Council hosts a range of civic and community events as well as festivals throughout the year. From time to time, council's events teams will reach out for enthusiastic volunteers to fill various roles.


To ensure the smooth running of these events and an enjoyable experience for guests, the community is encouraged to take part by volunteering. Various event volunteer roles may include:

  • audience meet and greet
  • site set up and pack down
  • information booth and customer service
  • ticket scanning and gate operations
  • traffic and parking
  • programs distribution
  • artist liaison and stage management
  • ticket sales.


Council's events volunteers are hard-working, enthusiastic individuals; some of the necessary experience and skills include:

  • excellent customer service and communication skill
  • personable and approachable
  • hard working
  • professional, mature and well presented
  • capable of working in a team
  • flexible availability
  • must be 16 years of age at time of event.

Experience working in events is great but not essential.


Creative arts and events

  • Horizon festival
  • New Year's eve
  • Sunshine Coast Australia Day awards.

If you would like to register to receive notification of upcoming volunteer opportunities for the above programs, you can do so through council's volunteer management system.

Caloundra music festival

To receive notification of upcoming volunteer opportunities with Caloundra music festival, visit their website and subscribe to their newsletter.

Sunshine Coast stadium

To enquire about upcoming volunteer opportunities at the Sunshine Coast stadium, visit their website.

Contact council for more information.