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Citizen of the Year - Sponsored by 7 News Sunshine Coast

Leon Stensholm

In 2021, Leon had a vision to change the way we help, mentor, and support our disconnected youth on the Sunshine Coast. In 2023 he opened ‘Lookout 07’, a youth centre that provides recreation facilities alongside resilience programs, mentoring and crisis counselling. Since opening, the centre has seen over 4,000 youth sign in with an average of 145 youths per week. Leon provides free counselling and mentoring as well as free weekday evening access to the centre. His mission is to create a safe, welcoming, all-inclusive space for young kids where meaningful connections support their path to physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Senior Citizen of the Year - Sponsored by Maroochy RSL

Ken Mewburn

Ken has volunteered tirelessly for a variety of community organisations since retiring to the Sunshine Coast in 2000. He was instrumental in forming the Take Action for Pumicestone Passage group, was the driving force behind the Community Engagement Group that won an Innovation in Excellence Award from the building industry, and continues to work tirelessly with Stockland, state, and local governments, preparing well-researched submissions and papers comprehensively detailing public concern. Ken has formed a citizen science group, gives regular talks to schools, university students, and community groups, and spends his spare time monitoring local environmental issues.

Young Citizen of the Year - Sponsored by 92.7 Mix FM

Kurt Jones

Kurt is the founder of Co-Exist and what started as a high school assignment has morphed into an environmental charity with 200 volunteers. Co-Exist tackle conservation from a different angle. They ensure young people are in the right headspace before they target education. Using outdoor recreation activities, such as canoeing and snorkelling, they encourage young people to engage with the environment, which encourages them to learn and get involved in activities like tree planting and beach clean ups. There are eight stable branches of Co-Exist around Australia, and any young person can start their own.

Community Group or Organisation - Sponsored by Sunshine Coast Daily


Leading charity endED provide unwavering support to individuals and families experiencing eating disorders. Their residential facility ‘Wandi Nerida’ was the first in Australia, and House of Hope in Woombye provides access to allied services and a supportive community. They have forged an essential support network with other community organisations, ensuring a one-team approach and provide training and information sessions for teachers and students. They are involved in world-first genetic studies and social media research projects, have plans underway to provide short term accommodation through Connect Kids, and run events supporting mental health.

Healthy Planet – (Tie) - Sponsored by University of the Sunshine Coast

Craig Hosmer and Daryl Reinke

Craig and Daryl are long-term private landholders who, in partnership with the Land for Wildlife and Voluntary Conservation Agreement programs, have achieved outstanding environmental conservation outcomes on their property and across the region. For three decades, they have worked to turn their property, once a farm, into a thriving forest, which is now home to an increasing diversity of native flora and fauna. By hosting field days on their property and sharing advice and knowledge with other landholders, they have created a legacy of conservation stewardship with the wider community.

Hinterland Bush Links supports local landholders with conservation work on their properties, empowering them to protect, restore and connect native vegetation. The outcome is the improvement of wildlife corridors, helping enhance and secure the longevity and resilience of biodiversity and nature. For more than a decade the organisation has led practical on-ground restoration works with notable projects including the Roving Restorers and the Upper Mary Valley Weed Vine Project. Their Koala Habitat project provides practical and effective strategies for coexisting harmoniously with koalas while promoting the preservation of their natural habitat.

Creative Arts – (Tie) - Sponsored by TAFE Qld East Coast

(Aunty) Helena Gulash

Aunty Helena is a driving force for Indigenous community cultural development on the Sunshine Coast. As the First Nations representative on the Sunshine Coast Arts Advisory Board and chairperson of the First Nations Sub Committee, Helena is a visionary leader. Her influence extends through roles as creative consultant and Elder in residence for the Creative Arts team, the Refinery program and Horizon Festival initiatives. Through her tireless efforts, Helena cultivates a thriving space for First Nations creatives, enriching the cultural landscape of Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) Country and beyond.

(Uncle) Paul Calcott

Uncle Paul is a globally acclaimed, Wiradjuri artist. He uses the community- building and healing strength of art to bring together and support First Nations people living with disabilities, through the NuunaRon Art Group. The group’s artworks are showcased worldwide and have been collected by several esteemed institutions. Paul’s exhibitions, aligned with United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Disability Royal Commission, exemplify his commitment to raising awareness and promoting inclusivity in the arts.

Healthy People - Sponsored by My Weekly Preview

Trevor Picken

Trevor’s exceptional leadership as the manager of the all-abilities team within the Sunshine Coast Churches’ Soccer Association promotes inclusivity and community spirit. For three consecutive seasons, he’s been the driving force behind the program, which offers all children the chance to participate, regardless of physical, developmental, or cognitive challenges. By actively encouraging teamwork, camaraderie, and positive social interactions, Trevor cultivates an atmosphere where participants feel valued, accepted, and empowered. His dedication extends beyond the field, volunteering countless hours to ensure the program’s success.

Biosphere Business of the Year - Sponsored by Unitywater

Go For Zero

Go For Zero, founded in 2018, leads the way in promoting sustainability and inspiring others to reduce waste and harmful ingredients in their daily lives. With a wide range of 2,000 plus eco-friendly products, this State Telstra Best of Business award-winning company prioritises giving back to the community through donations to Australian charities. By focusing on a circular economy, minimising waste, and operating as a certified carbon positive organisation, Go For Zero sets a high standard for environmental responsibility. Through education and community engagement, they empower individuals to make a positive impact on the planet.