Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Cotton Tree Park (Maroochydore Rotary Park)

Cotton Tree Park is situated on the southern bank of the Maroochy River between First Avenue and the Cotton Tree Aquatic Centre. This picturesque parkland features one of the largest playgrounds on the coast. It also provides multiple barbecues and picnic shelters and is home to the Maroochydore War Memorial.

Cotton Tree Park is situated on the southern bank of the Maroochy River between First Avenue and the Cotton Tree Aquatic Centre. This picturesque parkland features an inclusive playground, which means it contains play elements that encourage children of all levels of abilities to engage with one another in play and discovery.

Play elements

  • Play forts with slides
  • Monkey bars, balancing equipment
  • Sand play
  • Swings – basket swing, traditional swings
  • Wheelchair accessible carousel
  • Climbing net
  • Boat rocker
  • Dry creek bed with bridge
  • Grassy open spaces – to kick a ball around


  • Plenty of shade – with large shade sails, picnic shelters and mature trees.
  • Pathways and rubber softfall underneath some play elements – allowing wheelchair and pram access to parts of the play space.
  • Barbecues, picnic tables, seating and drinking fountain
  • Parking and disabled parking nearby
  • Public amenities.



The Esplanade Cotton Tree