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Gardners Falls Riparian Reserve

Enjoy a picnic on the banks of Obi Obi Creek in this natural rainforest setting. There is a 300 metre sealed pathway to the water hole and picnic area. The public amenities block is located adjacent to the car park.

Gardners Falls Riparian Reserve

Gardners Falls is a hidden gem in Maleny. Park at the provided Gardener Falls carpark (drive down Obi Lane South, off Landsbourough-Maleny Road), from there, you can begin a short walk downstream to the falls. There are shallow rock pools along the way, followed by larger pools downstream where you can enjoy a swim underneath the falls. This location is a great spot for a quiet picnic on the grassy bank against the backdrop of native forest. There is also a public toilet on site at the carpark.

This park is a dog free zone, meaning dogs are not allowed.  See for more information.



Obi Lane South, Maleny