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Russell Family Park is located off Western Avenue in Montville, however is best accessed via the public car park at 198 Main Street. This large recreational park and green open space is a great place for families, friends and visitors to enjoy all year round.

The park offers lots of opportunity for play in a natural setting, with large grassy hills, mature trees, an environmental walk, and a range of wildlife for children to experience. It is a place that actively connects the user to their environment – giving children the opportunity to explore the outdoors and build on their social skills.  The play equipment is located in a natural setting, with a dry creek bed, rock seating walls, and interweaving pathways for children to explore.

Play elements

  • Large climbing structure with spiral slide
  • Swings
  • Small spring and spinner toy
  • Dry creek bed and steppers


  • Plenty of shade – with picnic shelters and mature trees
  • Pathways to all facilities
  • Barbecues, picnic tables, seating and drinking fountain.
  • Public amenities
  • Lake and wetlands
  • Small amphitheatre with stage
  • Off-street carparking.

Story seat

Russell Family Park is also home to Fun in the Park story seat by Peter Carnavas who writes and illustrates stories for children.