Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Living on the Sunshine Coast survey

A 5 year survey is in progress to explore Sunshine Coast residents’ perceptions of liveability in their local area. The third year of results have now been released.

Living on the Sunshine Coast survey

Measuring our community’s perceptions of liveability in their local area.

How 'liveable' is your neighbourhood? What factors do you consider important in making a place more liveable, and how do you experience those factors?

In council's ongoing efforts to ensure our communities are experiencing the best the coast can offer, a 5 year study is underway to answer these questions. Community surveys have been conducted in March 2021, 2022 and 2023, and will continue through to 2025 to provide a longitudinal study of liveability on the Coast.

The top five items of importance to the community in 2023 regarding liveability were:

  • access to the natural environment
  • feeling safe
  • high quality health services
  • a lack of road congestion
  • affordable decent housing

View the living on the Sunshine Coast survey results.

Council will use the findings to monitor the progress of the Environment and Liveability Strategy and Community Strategy, inform council’s corporate plan, and to support ongoing advocacy for continuous improvements in the liveability standards of the community.

For more information, email [email protected].