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Projected population and dwellings

The projected population and dwellings summary provides the demographic changes projected to occur between 2021 and 2046.

Projected population and dwellings

Projected population and dwelling data helps support evidence based decision making on the Sunshine Coast. Council, the business sector and the community use this information to contribute to the planning and delivery of services to meet the needs of our growing community.

In June 2021, the total population on the Sunshine Coast was 346,648 people. Over the following twenty-five years to 2046 it is projected up to 200,000 additional people will settle on the coast. These projected figures would see our population reach over 540,000 residents by 2046.

Find out more about the projected population and dwellings on the Sunshine Coast:

These figures were last updated in May 2024.

Note: The next update to the projected population and dwelling figures is planned in 2025 (pending release of forecasts by the State government’s Queensland Government Statistician’s Office).

For questions relating to demographic statistics for the Sunshine Coast, please contact us via email via email outlining your request.