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  • All nominees must be, at their date of nomination, residents of the Sunshine Coast Council regional area.
  • All organisations that are nominated must operate predominantly in the Sunshine Coast Council region.
  • The successful recipient will be available and committed to promoting pride and active citizenship throughout 2024.
  • Winners of the awards will be announced at council's Sunshine Cost Biosphere Community Awards ceremony Thursday, 13 June 2024.
  • In the event that no nominations are received in any of the categories, the Awards Committee reserves the right to grant the award to a group, event or citizens of its choice, or revoke the award category for that year.
  • A nomination will be deemed ineligible if the field of service is illegal or if the Awards Committee considers it would diminish the integrity of council and/or the awards.
  • Recipients of awards are ineligible to receive the same award within a five year period.
  • The promoter is Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre, QLD, 4560.
  • All nominations must have a nominator and minimum one referee.
  • Posthumous nominations will be considered at the discretion of the judging panel and where the passing of the nominee occurred between 30 December 2022 and 1 December 2023.
  • Nominations close 5pm Tuesday, 30 April 2024. Nominations received after this date will be ineligible.
  • All entries must be submitted online.
  • Nominations will be accepted for more than one category; however an online nomination must be submitted for each entry.
  • You are required to attach a minimum of 300 words and maximum of 500 words in support of your nomination and should address the specific assessment criteria for the category being entered. 
  • Council reserves the right to accept, reject or refuse any nomination at any time. Council does not accept responsibility for lost, late or misdirected nominations.
  • Council may vary the terms and conditions of this competition at any time at its absolute discretion.
  • All category winners will be selected by an independent judging panel. The panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Winners for each category will be published in the Sunshine Coast Daily in June 2024. Recipients contact details will be sent to the media when requested, after the ceremony.
  • Prizes for each award include a certificate and trophy. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or any other services.
  • If there is any event that prevents or hinders council’s conduct of the competition or council’s ability to deliver the prize to the prize winner of the competition, council may, in its discretion, cancel the competition and recommence it at another time under the same conditions or select another winner.
  • All nominations are the property of council and will not be returned to entrants.
  • Winners for each category will be asked to attend a breakfast event 28 June 2024.
  • Employees of category sponsors are ineligible to enter that category.

Privacy Statement

Sunshine Coast Council is collecting your personal information for the processing of your nomination for the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards. The collection of this information is authorised under the local government act 2009. Your information will be used when determining, announcing and promoting award winners, and they may also be used for the purpose of promoting the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards 2024 competition with your permission. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law.