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The purpose of the Maroochydore Multi Sports Complex Master Plan is to provide a long term vision for the complex (2013-2028). The plan identifies what the complex should look like and how it should function in the future.

Key recommendations

Key recommendations of the master plan are:

  • develop the eastern area for multi-purpose use - (completed)
  • assess the hard court netball surfaces - (assessment and report completed)
  • provide extra storage and shade areas - (storage area and garbage enclosure completed)
  • extend the soccer clubhouse - (completed)
  • provide formal car parking to improve access - (completed)
  • provide second storey space to the existing community building
  • improve pathways and connection between sport zones - (currently under design)
  • introduce recreational elements such as recreation trails and fitness stations
  • construct coaches boxes on AFL oval 3 – (completed).

View the Maroochydore Multi Sports Complex Master Plan 2013-2028 (PDF, 3077KB).

Where to from here

Council cannot finance the recommendations from the master plan alone. The adoption of the plan will provide a sound base to lobby the state and federal governments for funding assistance. Council will seek this assistance together with relevant groups and the community.


The Maroochydore Multi Sports Complex Master Plan considers:

  • arrangements and uses of the site
  • the needs across various sports and recreation uses
  • the needs of the community and surrounding population
  • trends, issues and priorities
  • traffic movement/management needs
  • relevant council plans and strategies
  • relevant planning constraints and opportunities.


The Maroochydore Multi Sports Complex site is located on approximately 24 hectares of council-owned land. About 95% is cleared for recreational use.

The site is a regional sporting complex. This complex provides open space for formal and informal recreation to promote health and wellbeing.

Clubs located at the site include:

  • AFL Queensland (AFLQ)
  • Maroochydore Australian Football Club (MAFC)
  • Maroochydore Junior Australian Football Club (MJAFC)
  • Sunshine Coast Masters Australian Football Queensland (Super Rules AFL)
  • Sunshine Coast AFL Umpires
  • Buderim United Churches Soccer
  • Sunshine Coast Netball Association.


For more information, contact council.