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Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Maleny community precinct

Master plan for the staged development of the Maleny community precinct was endorsed by council in June 2010.

At its Ordinary Meeting on 10 June 2010, council endorsed the Maleny community precinct final master plan (PDF, 4MB).

Vision statement

The Maleny community precinct (MCP) will be a place for the whole community to enjoy.

The beginning

A vision was created to provide facilities for the community on 126 hectares of land. The former agricultural land was divided into the following sub-precincts:

Achievements to date

Heritage sub-precinct:

  • access road and car park completed November 2012
  • house repairs completed in December 2013
  • amenities facility completed June 2015
  • community lease awarded to the Friends of Pattemore House in 2015.

Environmental education and landcare

A new lease area acquired by Barung Landcare in the precinct.

Golf course

Maleny Golf Club completed their 18 hole golf course which incorporates a number of environmental and heritage values.

Sport and recreation

The Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc. (MDSRC) have completed a range of projects including:

  • construction of the Beersheba museum
  • Maleny bridge club
  • improved car parking opportunities.

Community facility including aquatic centre

Council resolved to support the proposed hydrotherapy and gymnasium; built, funded and managed by the community - November 2018.

For more information, visit community pools.

Ecological parkland

  • establishment of 3 kilometres of pathways.
  • pipeline and irrigation system completed construction in 2014.

Environmental protection areas including walkways

  • planting occurred in the riparian areas along Obi Obi Creek in 2013, completed December 2014
  • southern wetland crossing completed August 2013
  • stage 1 of trail – Fairview to Bails was completed early in 2014
  • Riverside centre boardwalk completed in early 2015 and Reynolds boardwalk completed in May 2015
  • the Maleny trail from the Riverside boardwalk through the precinct to Fairview was officially opened in July 2015
  • access to Gardners Falls will be staged at a later date.


For more information, please contact council.