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The plan will assist the future development of sport and active recreation in Buderim and the surrounding region.


The Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex Master Plan provides a long term vision for the complex (2013-2028). The plan identifies what the complex should look like and how it should function into the future.

Key recommendations

The key recommendations of the Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex Master Plan include:

  • enlarging and improving the dog off leash area
  • improving directional signage, pedestrian and traffic flow through the complex.

View the Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex Master Plan (PDF, 6965KB).

View the Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex Master Plan in parts:

Where to from here

Council cannot finance all of the recommendations from the Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex Master Plan 2013-2028. The adoption of the master plan provides council and stakeholders with a sound base to lobby the state and federal governments for funding. This will be conducted in partnership with the Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex users, the community and council.


Sport facilities play an important role in the local community. Master planning helps to provide infrastructure which reflects community need.

The Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex Master Plan considers:

  • facilities and uses within the site
  • the current character and functionality of the landscape
  • the needs across various sport and recreation uses
  • the needs of the community and surrounding population
  • trends, issues and priorities
  • events and sport and recreation delivery
  • car parking and traffic movement requirements
  • relevant council endorsed plans and strategies
  • relevant planning constraints and opportunities.


The Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex has been developed over time. Development of the master plan was mindful of:

  • community comment received during August and September 2013 on the draft plan
  • council’s Sunshine Coast Open Space Strategy 2011 and Sunshine Coast Sport and Active Recreation Plan 2011-2026
  • changes in sporting and community group membership
  • population growth and future road network impacts.

The Elizabeth Daniels Sports Complex is located on state owned, council controlled land. It occupies approximately 23.4 hectares.

Areas of the sporting complex are leased to local sport, recreation and community organisations including:

  • cricket
  • basketball
  • bowls
  • croquet
  • bridge
  • arts
  • gem fossicking
  • St John Ambulance
  • State Emergency Services
  • dog off-leash area.

This complex provides open space for formal and informal recreation to promote wellbeing.


For more information, contact council.