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Maleny sport and recreation master plan

The Maleny sport and recreation master plan was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 28 January 2016.

The Maleny Sport and Recreation Master Plan 2016-2031 provides a long term vision (15 year horizon) across three key sport and recreation sites within the Maleny locality. The plan’s focus area covers 2 primary sites including the Maleny showgrounds and Witta sportsground. In addition, a leased portion of the Maleny community precinct is also considered to detail how activities on this site will complement and interact with sporting and community offerings at the Maleny showgrounds and Witta sportsground.

The purpose of the Maleny sport and recreation master plan is to determine:

  • how the 3 sites contribute long term to Maleny’s sporting and community provision
  • priority facility requirements based on current and future sporting and community needs.

Key recommendations

Some of the key recommendations of the Maleny sport and recreation master plan are to:

  • retain soccer at the Maleny showgrounds with capacity for a second full sized field and upgraded change room facilities
  • provide site options for the Maleny Bridge Club to construct a new clubhouse
  • support extension of community buildings, including the Maleny Playhouse, Norris House and arts and crafts facilities
  • investigate potential dog off-leash areas and recreation nodes
  • provide for multi-use equestrian fields within the Maleny community precinct (portion leased to Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club)
  • advocate for an additional tennis court at the Witta sportsground
  • improve car parking and access across all sites
  • support the extension of walk/cycle pathways connecting Maleny showgrounds to the Maleny community precinct.

View the Maleny Sport and Recreation Master Plan 2016-2031 (PDF, 3690KB).

Where to from here

Council does not have the capacity to solely finance the recommendations from the Maleny sport and recreation master plan. The adoption of the master plan will allow opportunities of joint partnerships to seek external funding in addition to council's capital works funding and council’s community grants program. This will be conducted in consultation with the affiliate groups, the community and council.

The adoption of the master plan will also provide council and stakeholders with a sound base to lobby state and federal governments for funding assistance.


The master plan comprises three sites covering approximately 25 hectares. The sites include the Maleny showgrounds, Witta sportsground and a leased portion of the Maleny community precinct.

Maleny showgrounds

Maleny showgrounds is a multi-purpose sport and recreation precinct supporting a diverse range of activities. The showgrounds are leased to the Maleny Show Society and provides a wide range of facilities that service the Maleny community.

Witta sportsground

Witta sportsground is a multi-purpose sports complex approximately 9.7 km from the Maleny CBD. The venue is predominantly situated on land owned freehold and managed by the Witta Recreation Club. The southern and western portions of the site are state owned land held in trust by council as a reserve for recreation. The facility includes tennis courts and fields, which service the Maleny and Witta communities.

Maleny community precinct

Maleny community precinct is a multi-purpose precinct supporting a diverse range of environmental, community, sport and recreation activities. The master plan’s study area focused primarily on the portion of land leased to the Maleny District Sports & Recreation Club within the Maleny community precinct. The southern and eastern boundaries of the community precinct are adjacent to Obi Obi Creek and are considered valued environmental assets that require long term protection and enhancement.


The Maleny showgrounds, Witta sportsground and a leased portion of the Maleny community precinct hosts a large range of sporting, recreation and community users, including but not limited to:

  • arts and crafts
  • community gym
  • cricket
  • croquet
  • equestrian
  • football (soccer)
  • Greenhills fund
  • Navy Cadets
  • rugby union
  • SES and Rural Fire Brigade
  • tennis
  • touch football.


For more information, contact council’s sport and recreation officer on (07) 5441 8302.