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The plan will assist the future development of sport and active recreation in Beerwah and the surrounding region.


The Beerwah Sportsground Master Plan plans to develop and expand the sportsground and aquatic centre together. The plan builds on the existing assets and remains flexible for changes in future use options.

Key recommendations

Key recommendations of the Beerwah Sportsground Master Plan include:

  • valuing the functionality of the existing layout and buildings
  • creating new or extended sports facilities
  • improving lighting and drainage
  • improving access and parking
  • providing an expanded aquatic centre
  • picnic and playground area.

View the Beerwah Sportsground Concept Master Plan 2011 (PDF, 4298KB).

Alternately view a summary of the Beerwah Sportsground Concept Master Plan (FDF, 1577KB).

Where to from here

Council cannot solely finance the recommendations from the Beerwah Sportsground Master Plan. The master plan will allow investigation of joint partnerships and external funding opportunities alongside council's capital works funding. This will be conducted in consultation with the Sportsground Management Committee and users, the community and council.


Beerwah Sportsground has a range of buildings and facilities developed over the years by both council and the community. The major uses are:

  • aquatic centre
  • rugby league
  • pony club
  • bocce club
  • skate park
  • community centre.

The grounds are within walking distance of the town centre and schools. The sportsground provides open space for formal and informal recreation to promote people's wellbeing.


For more information, contact council.