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The plan will assist the future development of sport and active recreation in Caloundra and the surrounding region.


The Caloundra Central Park Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan provides a clear guideline for the development of the precinct for the next fifteen years (2011-2026). It builds on the existing infrastructure to reflect best value-for-money, while retaining flexibility for changes in future use and/or multi-use options.

Key recommendations

The key recommendation of the Caloundra Central Park Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan is to create a premier destination sport and recreation precinct with a range of active and passive opportunities including:

  • a regional tennis centre with the capacity to attract and host international events - implemented
  • a regional mallet sports facility with the capacity to host and attract high standard events
  • greater capacity for rugby league, rugby union and cricket to cater for demand increases, regional and state events
  • a regional headquarters for community sport for people with a disability
  • a district gymnastics facility - implemented
  • a high quality green space for the community to utilise and celebrate
  • better connections between the separate areas within the precinct and also between the wider community and the precinct itself
  • identifying that high quality architectural treatments and landscape treatments are implemented across the precinct.

View the entire master plan:

Alternately view a summary of the Caloundra Central Park Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan Concept (PDF, 2221KB).

Where to from here

Council does not have the capacity to solely finance the recommendations from the Caloundra Central Park Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan. The adoption of the master plan provides council and the stakeholders with a sound base to lobby the state and federal governments for implementation funding assistance. This will be conducted in partnership with the Caloundra Central Park Advisory Committee, affiliate groups, the community and council.


Recently completed works at the precinct include:

  • expansion of the main car park
  • formalisation of the car park to the north of the junior rugby league club
  • expansion of the YMCA gymnastics building (formerly known as Arthur Street Hall)
  • construction of an elite cricket training centre
  • new shade sails over the Caloundra aquatic centre skate park
  • landscape plan for the Caloundra aquatic centre
  • construction of a new shed at the Caloundra Rugby Union Club
  • construction of the Sunshine Coast regional tennis centre
  • additional formalised car parks adjacent to the new Sunshine Coast regional tennis centre.


The Caloundra Central Park Sport and Recreation Precinct is located in close proximity to the central business area of Caloundra, with Arthur Street as the main access road. The site is approximately 264,108 square metres. There is a large range of sporting, recreation and community users of the precinct, including:

  • rugby union
  • junior rugby league
  • cricket
  • tennis
  • mallet sports
  • aquatic
  • gymnastics
  • bridge
  • girl guides
  • scouts.

The precinct also provides a critical open space function that caters for informal recreational uses to promote people's health, happiness and wellbeing.


For more information, contact council.