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The Play Opportunities Plan (POP) analyses all existing Council ‘play’ offerings and provides strategic direction for its managed open space.

Council manages more than 374 playgrounds with an estimated value of $30 million. These playgrounds along with

  • a network of recreational parks and trails
  • informal sports facilities (such as basketball, netball, skate parks and pump tracks)
  • exercise stations
  • creeks, beaches and bushland reserves,

make Council a significant provider of opportunities for play in the region.

A group of happy children kicking a ball around a green open space on a sunny day in a Council park


Based on child development needs, engagement and research there are five recommendations:

  1. Accessible and inclusive play. Plan for a range of diverse, quality play spaces. This means parents/carers can select the best option for their own specific needs.
  2. A comfortable play space. Provide a network of play spaces that are comfortable throughout the year. This includes providing adequate shade.
  3. Play value for all ages. Provide a network of play spaces that support age-specific play opportunities and childhood development needs.
  4. Nature and water play. Water play - support a wide network of water play in both formal and informal settings. Nature play - encourage access to informal nature play across Council open space.
  5. Beyond the playground. Provide opportunities that complement each other. This will extend the amount of time children play and are active outdoors.
Mum with her two children playing in the sand at a playground
Fenced playground with natural shade
Two excited children running towards a playground
Two kids exploring the branches of a tree
A family walking along a pedestrian pathway at Mooloolah foreshore park area


For more information, please contact Council.

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