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The zero-net emissions (ZNE) plan has been developed to provide a roadmap on how council is to meet the target to be a zero-net emissions organisation by 2041. Council has recognised globally we are in a state of climate emergency and that this is the critical decade for action. The ZNE plan is one of three components of council’s response to the need for urgent action on climate change, along with climate risk management and providing leadership and support for our community to reduce their own emissions and climate risk.

Why council is taking a ZNE approach

Our aim in taking a ZNE approach is to play our part in meeting the Paris agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C (and preferably to 1.5 °C), above pre-industrial levels.

ZNE or 'net-zero' means that the net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from council's activities are equal to zero. This is achieved by reducing GHG emissions from council's activities through a range of actions. After implementing all the actions to reduce as much greenhouse gas emissions as possible the remaining emissions are then managed through purchasing good quality carbon offsets or credits.

Our approach to reaching ZNE

Reducing our emissions and achieving zero-net takes a focused and collaborative effort and is guided by an established 6-step and iterative process.

Actions to reduce our organisational emission

Council has developed this action plan that is aligned with a science based target approach and Paris agreement to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

The ZNE plan actions are based around 6 key focus areas linked to our main emissions sources and key decision making processes:

  • governance and culture change
  • waste
  • electricity
  • transport
  • supply chain
  • buildings and infrastructure.

Measuring, monitoring and reviewing

Actions will be measured, monitored, analysed, and reported on annually, as we track our organizational greenhouse gas emissions performance through council’s annual environmental sustainability reporting processes.

View the plan

View the Sunshine Coast Council organisational ZNE plan (PDF, 4716KB).


For more information, contact council.