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The urban lighting master plan (PDF, 9381KB) was developed as part of the public lighting project, which aims to deliver substantial improvements to the public lighting network by upgrading street lights to energy efficient technology. The project will also address the age and condition of lights, the associated cost, the current high energy usage and the future ‘Smart City’ vision.


The urban public lighting master plan sets the strategic guidance for public lighting to support council’s vision to be the most sustainable region in Australia: vibrant, green and diverse. The urban public lighting master plan:

  • adopts a design focused on pedestrians
  • differentiates appropriate lighting between coastal areas and hinterland areas
  • provides various luminaire options with a range of energy savings depending on luminaire type, road type and in conjunction with the lighting design standard for that road
  • details the upgrade plans for the Sunshine Coast across 27 localities and delivers overall energy savings of around 50%
  • recommends the use of LED lighting with ‘smart control’ nodes which vastly improve management and monitoring capabilities whilst also providing cost efficiencies and accelerating timeframes for the deployment of ‘Smart City’ solutions
  • proposes an environmental lighting overlay across the entire region to guide property developers, sporting clubs and their associated lighting designers to provide public lighting that is safe, energy efficient, smart and sensitive to the environment
  • is consistent with the UN environment program for the native loggerhead turtle and the International Dark Sky Association conventions.


The urban public lighting master plan is applicable to all new private developments and council renovation projects, to provide guidance on lighting designs. This will ensure new lighting meets the objectives of the urban public lighting master plan when new infrastructure is installed. Changes to the existing street lighting network cannot commence until such time as negotiations with Energex, who own current street lighting assets, have concluded.


For more information, please contact council - refer the project officer.