Council plans
Community feedback plays a key role in shaping the plans that council develops to guide the direction of the Sunshine Coast.
Council’s vision, strategic goals, priorities and how we monitor progress and share outcomes with our community.
Towards a more inclusive Sunshine Coast for people with disability.
This master plan will assist the future development of sport and active recreation in Buderim and the surrounding region. Council adopted the plan in February 2012.
Council adopted the Beerwah Sportsground Master Plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 5 October 2011.
Council adopted the Caloundra Central Park Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 November 2011.
Council adopted Caloundra Centre master plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 23 March 2017.
The Caloundra public art plan provides a curatorial framework that will guide public art development and creative activation in Caloundra’s public spaces.
Council adopted the Caloundra Town reserve landscape concept plan on 9 November 2017. This will enable council to seek funding and deliver the plan in consolidated stages.
The coastal pathway linear open space master plan was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 7 December 2017.
The Conondale Memorial Recreational Park Master Plan 2016-2031 was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 10 November 2016.
Council adopted the Coolum Sports Complex Master Plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 November 2011.
The Crummunda Park landscape plan was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 15 October 2015.
The Dicky Beach precinct plan was adopted at Council's Ordinary Meeting on 10 November 2016. Stages 1 and 2 are now complete.
We are working with our community to draft an inclusive framework that will support the planning and delivery of dog exercise areas. These areas service users' needs and align with our region's environmental and community values.
Council adopted the Elizabeth Daniels Master Plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 14 November 2013.
Council endorsed the Environmental Reserves Network Management Plan 2017-2027 at its Ordinary Meeting on 18 May 2017.
Council adopted the Glasshouse Mountains Sports Complex Master Plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 13 December 2012.
Council has begun work on the Healthy Coast Management Plan to guide future management of our coast.
The Honey Farm Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan was adopted at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 25 March 2021.
The inter-urban break (IUB) outdoor recreation plan guides planning for recreation activities in the 63000 hectare area that overlaps the Sunshine Coast Council and Moreton Bay Regional Council areas.
The Sunshine Coast local disaster management plan aims to provide the community with the tools to return to a safe environment after a disaster.
Council adopted the Lower Order Unsealed Road Upgrade Plan 2016-2026 on 25 January 2017.
Master plan for the staged development of the Maleny community precinct was endorsed by council in June 2010.
The Maleny sport and recreation master plan was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 28 January 2016.
Council adopted the management plan for domestic animals (cats and dogs) 2021-2030 at its Ordinary Meeting on 24 June 2021.
Council adopted the Maroochydore Junior Rugby League Club - Facility Development Plan 2014 at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 October 2014.
Council adopted the Maroochydore Multi Sports Complex Master Plan 2013-2028 at its Ordinary Meeting on 22 August 2013.
Council adopted the Meridan Fields Sporting Complex Master Plan 2012-2022 at its Ordinary Meeting on 31 January 2012.
In collaboration with our community, we are planning to develop a vision and guide for Moffat Beach’s public spaces. This will help shape the future of this much-loved local place.
Council adopted the Mooloolah Recreation Reserve Master Plan 2013-2028 at its Ordinary Meeting on 22 August 2013.
Council adopted the Nambour Showgrounds Master Plan 2023-2038 at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 November 2023.
Council adopted the Palmwoods Sports Complex Master Plan 2013-2028 at its Ordinary Meeting on 31 January 2013.
The Petrie Creek Parklands parklands open space master plan was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 17 August 2017.
Council endorsed the placemaking Mooloolaba master plan at its December 2015 Ordinary Meeting.
The Palmwoods public domain master plan was endorsed by council at its November 2014 Ordinary Meeting.
Council has prepared a master plan to guide the future use and management of this coastal area for all the community to enjoy.
Council adopted the regional facilities plan for difficult to locate sports on 28 March 2019 which will guide the need and location of regional facilities for four specific sports categories.
Find out all about council's Regional Flying-Fox Management Plan.
The Reserve 1000 Master Plan was adopted at council’s Ordinary Meeting on 20 August 2015.
The Sunshine Coast Council Road Safety Plan 2016-2020 was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 28 January 2016. The plan will be a key document to guide council in achieving key road safety objectives for the Sunshine Coast region.
View the shoreline erosion management plan.
The Sippy Downs parks master plan will guide the development and management of parks at Sippy Downs.
Council adopted the street tree master plan at its Ordinary Meeting in June 2018.
Council adopted the Sunshine Coast Active Transport Plan 2011-2031 at its Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 2 February 2011.
Council adopted the Sunshine Coast Aquatic Plan 2011-2026 (June 2016 edition) at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 June 2016.
Council released the region’s first ever arts plan in August 2018, with the subsequent 5 year review and update of the plan endorsed in August 2023.
The Sunshine Coast Cemetery Plan introduces four guiding principles to guide the future of council’s cemeteries for the next 10 years. Council adopted the plan in September 2019.
Council's asset management policy sets out the framework for consistent and appropriate asset management practices, process and systems throughout the council region.
Learn about our plan for managing priority invasive plants and animals.
The Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017 sets a target for council to be a zero-net emissions (ZNE) organisation and for the community to be low carbon by 2041.
Council adopted the Sunshine Coast Heritage Plan 2021-2031 at its Ordinary Meeting 25 February 2021.
The Sunshine Coast Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2023 brings together the various activities undertaken by council to enable housing availability and diversity, reduce housing stress and respond to homelessness in our community.
The Sunshine Coast Infrastructure Coordination Plan focuses on the Sunshine Coast urban corridor, one of the priority areas identified at the Infrastructure Collaboration Forum held in February 2020.
Find out how our Sunshine Coast marine turtle conservation plan will set us on the right track to help save one of our most beloved marine animals.
The parking management plan was adopted at council's Ordinary Meeting on 12 October 2017.
The Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2021-2022 supports social and economic opportunities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of the Sunshine Coast.
Council adopted the recreation parks plan at its Ordinary Meeting in December 2021. Our Vision: A resilient network of recreation parks that provide equitable open spaces, connect people and nature, and promote healthy and creative lifestyles.
Council adopted the Sunshine Coast recreation trail plan at its Ordinary Meeting on 31 January 2012.
The Sunshine Coast skate and BMX plan guides the provision, development and management of the region’s skate and BMX network. Council adopted an update of the Sunshine Coast Skate and BMX Plan 2011-2021 at its Ordinary Meeting on 17 August 2017.
The council endorsed 2016 edition of the Sunshine Coast Sport and Active Recreation Plan 2011-26 was reviewed and updated in 2024.
The S.S. Dicky was an iron-hulled steamer, driven ashore at Caloundra during a cyclone in 1893.
Council adopted the Sunshine Coast Council Unsealed Roads Upgrade Plan 2015-2035 on 28 February 2015.
Developed as part of the public lighting project and endorsed 15 September 2016.
The Sunshine Coast Play Opportunities plan provides strategic direction for Council managed open space in the region. The vision is in ensuring 'everyone on the Sunshine Coast has access to quality, unstructured, outdoor play everyday'.