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The purpose of this landscape plan is to define the future planning blueprint for the park while maintaining the relaxed and natural aesthetics valued by residents and visitors. Feedback received during community consultation and current council's policies and strategies were used to develop this plan.

The landscape plan will be delivered through a staged process of priority work subject to council's budget approval process. It is intended that park infrastructure will be replaced once it reaches its end of life to promote a sustainable upgrade of the park.

Key features

Key features of the Crummunda Park landscape plan include:

  • improved BBQ and picnic facilities
  • improved path network
  • upgrade to playground.

View the Crummunda Park landscape plan (PDF, 4525KB).

Where to from here

Funding has been allocated in the 2016/2017 financial year for implementation of key infrastructure indicated in the landscape plan. Additional funding is proposed for the following years for further park improvements. The adoption of the landscape plan provides council with a sound base to lobby the state and federal governments for funding to help with future work in the park.


Crummunda Park is a 2.4 hectare district level linear park located on the Wurtulla side of the Wurtulla and Currimundi suburb border and forms part of northern bank of Currimundi Lake. The park is named after one of the variations to the aboriginal name for the area ‘Garamandha’ or place of the flying fox. Surveyor Burnett officially recorded the name of the area as Crummunda in 1845. The area has had many uses since European settlement including in early 1939 parts of Currimundi and Wurtulla area gazetted for military training. At the conclusion of the end of World War II, the area became popular with tourist and residents seeking a sea change. Today, Crummunda Park is a popular location for residents and visitors to visit due to its relaxed, shady and natural look and feel.


For more information, please contact council.