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Meridan Fields Sporting Complex Master Plan

Council adopted the Meridan Fields Sporting Complex Master Plan 2012-2022 at its Ordinary Meeting on 31 January 2012.

The plan will assist the future development of sport and active recreation in Meridan Plains and the surrounding region.


The purpose of the Meridan Fields Sporting Complex Master Plan is to provide a coordinated vision for the complex. The plan outlines priority actions over the next 10 years.


Sporting facilities play an important role in the local community. Master planning helps to provide infrastructure which reflects community need.

The Meridan Fields Sporting Complex Master Plan 2012-2022 (PDF, 831KB) considers:

  • arrangements and uses of the site
  • the landscape
  • trends and issues
  • catchment areas and population demands
  • car parking and traffic movement.

Where to from here

Council values quality sport and recreation facilities that contribute to the health and wellbeing of Sunshine Coast residents. To affirm this commitment, council has completed Stage 2 works of the endorsed Meridan Fields Sporting Complex Master Plan, which includes:

  • 2 senior AFL ovals
  • sports field lighting
  • new clubhouse facilities
  • improved access and car parking arrangements.

The completion of stage 2 works will provide increased opportunities for AFL and allow further community activation of this valuable sporting precinct.


For more information, contact council’s sport and recreation officer on (07) 5441 8302.