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New Active Transport Plan

Council is currently developing its new Active Transport Plan. Have Your Say here from Monday 20 May until 17 June 2024. 


The Sunshine Coast Active Transport Plan 2011-2031 sets an achievable vision, which sees walking and cycling playing an essential part in creating an integrated transport system for the Sunshine Coast. The plan supports the Integrated Transport Strategy and provides more detail on the planning and delivery of active transport priorities.


Walking and cycling will play an important transport role in the future. Increasingly, active transport will help deliver improved mobility, safer streets, healthier residents and reduced impact on global climate, all resulting in a world-class quality of life.


Following the adoption of the plan, council continues to deliver progress on actions across the seven key priority areas.

In 2021, council commissioned the latest in a series of surveys to obtain accurate data on walking and cycling participation and perceptions by Sunshine Coast residents. The National cycling participation survey Sunshine Coast (2021) report outlines survey findings on participation and perception and provides comparisons with Queensland and Regional Queensland data.

These findings will provide a benchmark for measuring future progress for walking and cycling.


For more information, please contact council.