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The Heritage Plan 2021-2031 (PDF, 2782KB) covers the conservation and management of the important things we want to pass on to future generations.


The heritage plan provides council with a framework to guide the identification, protection, conservation and management of the region’s heritage. The plan will ensure that council effectively manages and conserves the region’s heritage assets.


The heritage plan covers all aspects of the Sunshine Coast’s cultural and natural heritage, which council has direct responsibility for or influence over.

The plan's vision declares that ‘our heritage is our gift for the future’. It has been structured around the five outcome areas of:

  • knowledge
  • conservation
  • support
  • communication
  • advocacy.

The implementation plan guides council's actions for the duration of 10 years.

Community engagement

Extensive consultation was conducted with external stakeholders including:

  • traditional owners and custodians
  • representatives from the heritage sector
  • Sunshine Coast heritage reference group.

Peer reviews were undertaken by:

  • Queensland Department of Environment and Science
  • National Trust of Australia (Queensland)
  • Queensland Museum
  • Queensland Heritage Council.

The Heritage Plan 2021-2031 is based on the framework of the Sunshine Coast Heritage Plan 2015-2020 (PDF, 8452KB).


For more information, contact council's cultural heritage services officers on (07) 5420 8600, or email [email protected].

Further information about the heritage levy, our programs and activities can be explored on our heritage website.