Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade

The Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade, commonly known as Brisbane Road upgrade, will see the road between Culbara Street and Venning Street, Mooloolaba widened to four lanes.

Council is improving connectivity and travel choice in the heart of Mooloolaba. This important transport project has seen the widening of Brisbane Road and Walan Street from two to four traffic lanes.

In addition to improving traffic flow, this project will enhance the southern entrance into Mooloolaba and create a corridor that is integrated and inviting for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and public transport users. 

This is one of many Mooloolaba infrastructure projects Council is investing in to create a world-class destination for residents and visitors to enjoy.